In August, when a driving incident occurred on a highway in Ibaraki Prefecture, an unrelated woman was mistaken for a so-called garage woman who was with an arrested man, and his name and photos spread on SNS. In the public position, the information was spread and the honor was hurt, and it turned out that the woman had filed a lawsuit against the city council member in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture for 1 million yen .News World Ahmed
A woman who runs a company in Tokyo has filed an appeal. This woman was mistaken for being a “garage woman” who was with a man when an incident occurred in August when a man was driving on the Joban Expressway in Ibaraki Prefecture and driving, and on the SNS Names and face photos spread, and hibaku slander and harassment calls were received.News World Ahmed
According to the complaint, Representative Takashi Harada (57) of Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture posted a photo of the woman's face and name on her Facebook account in the form of quoting the lie information. I have been posting a comment such as “Masu”, and asking “paid to try to spread actively in a public position as a member of the parliament” and demanding a 1 million yen compensation.News World Ahmed
On the other hand, Mr. Harada said, “It is from the sense of justice that I want you to be caught early, but I am deeply refusing to post without confirming the fact. I apologize for writing an apology, but about the future I want to consult with a lawyer. News World Ahmed