New Delhi: The long-running speculation about the Delhi unit of the Congress came to a halt on Wednesday. The Congress has appointed Subhash Chopra as its Delhi unit president and former MP Kirti Azad as the head of the election campaign committee. According to a statement released on Wednesday by the party's General Secretary KC Venugopal, Congress President Sonia Gandhi appointed Chopra and Azad.News World Ahmed
It is worth mentioning that Chopra has been the president of Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee earlier also.News World Ahmed
The comments
Despite changing the party, the fate of the defectors did not change, the names of these veterans were also included in the list.News World Ahmed
Subhash Chopra has also been an MLA from Kalkaji assembly seat. Former cricketer Azad, who joined the Congress just before the Lok Sabha elections, has returned to Delhi politics after a long time with this appointment. He was an MP from Darbhanga while in BJP. His father Bhagwat Jha Azad was a senior Congress leader and Chief Minister of Bihar.
(This news has not been edited by the NDTV team. It is published directly from the Syndicate feed.)