In a village in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Hindu women do not celebrate their religious festival 'Bitter Fourth' because of a 200-year-old prayer.News World Ahmed
News World Ahmed
According to Indian website 'India Today', the Hindu religious festival 'bitter fourth' is the day when Hindu women 'berth' to protect their husbands or fiance's long life and to protect them from diseases, diseases, Instead of looking at the moon with the help of a mesh, they end their vow.
According to Indian media, 200 years ago, a wwe news woman in the Indian village of Vijayo had made a bad call on the same day, after which a woman in the village pledges for the well-being of her husband. Dies as,News World Ahmed
Vijayo village resident Kishore Lal Chaturvedi says that a newly married Brahmin couple was passing through the village on the bitter fourth day 200 years ago, with the village residents accusing them of stealing village cattle. Later, the husband of the Brahmin woman was tortured and killed while the Brahmin woman tortured herself.News World Ahmed
According to Kishore Lal, the Brahmin woman had made a bad call to the women of the village that after today, the woman who will take berth for her husband on the 4th festival will die.
Kishore Lal further added that instead of keeping the Hindu women on the bitter fourth in 'Vijao' village, the Brahmins known as 'Satti' go to the tomb and carry out religious rituals and aarti on the tomb while the men of the village also marry. Before this tomb pray for your successful marriage.
The women of this village do not even buy wwe news from here to fulfill their demand, but they also use wwe news brought from their maize.