Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government (UP Government) has appointed four new spokespersons to deal with the opposition. The government, along with both the Deputy Chief Ministers- Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dr. Dinesh Sharma, as well as Cabinet Ministers- Mahendra Singh and Anil Rajbhar, will now take over the responsibility of the spokesperson of the government. Cabinet Ministers Siddharth Nath Singh and Shrikant Sharma are already spokespersons. Now these people can present their side on any issue from the government. There are now six spokespersons in the state government. These ministers brief the cabinet meeting. By the way, Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dinesh Sharma, being Deputy Chief Ministers, have been on the side of the government when needed on various issues from the government.News World Ahmed
The comments
The Supreme Court rebuked the UP government in a temple case in Bulandshahr, saying - it seems there is 'Jungle Raj' in UP
The information department will help these spokespersons in every way and will also provide evidence of every fact. If sources are to be believed, the government was not getting the right way on the continuous incidents in Uttar Pradesh, about which the high command had also expressed its unhappiness. After the formation of Yogi government in Uttar Pradesh, Keshav and Dinesh Sharma used to be seen as favoring the government, but now they will officially keep the side.News World Ahmed
(This news has not been edited by the NDTV team. It is published directly from the Syndicate feed.)