Chief Justice of Pakistan Gulzar Ahmad says that all the projects will be collapsed, there is money, there are servants why not all the projects are completed in one year, roads will be constructed all over Asia in three world ahmed
On this occasion, Advocate General, Attorney General, Chief Secretary Sindh, Secretary Railway and other senior officials appeared in the court. During the hearing, Advocate General Sindh read the order of the previous hearing.current world news
Advocate General Sindh submitted a copy of Karachi Mass Transport Plan to the court and informed that Green Line project has been completed in city Quaid, Orange Line has been completed while others are working and World Bank, Asian Development Bank are providing the money. ۔
The Chief Justice inquired that the way maps should work, he remarked that this is not a futures transport plan, you were trying to spend, wanted to distribute money.
Advocate General Sindh said in the court that then we discontinue these schemes, while the Chief Justice while talking to AG Sindh said that you do not understand our point, Justice Sajjad Ali Shah said that the existing infrastructure is better. Create.
AG Sindh told the court that the green line is starting from Surjani Town, which started 3 years ago on this project.current world news
Giving remarks to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, he said that in 3 years, the entire road of Asia would be built. There are such big roads in a year.
On the occasion, the officials said that the orange lines would be operational by next year, Chief Justice Pakistan asked why this month could not be operational.
The Chief Justice while giving remarks said that you people do not pay money, go to Nazimabad, no work is going on, everyone is changing all the time.
Chief Justice of Pakistan expressed his remarks while delivering remarks saying that people keep dreaming, their lives are tormented, people are dying. You people are playing benches.
Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed further said that those who are working in Karachi know that all the projects in Karachi, all the piles of soil will fall.
He said in the remarks, "Work for the country. Unless Danda comes from above, you people do not work, as many flyovers created by yourself will fall within the next 5 years."
Chief Justice Pakistan remarked that the cadre bridge is about to collapse from Karachi.
Justice Gulzar said that Chung Chi has reopened in the city.