Indian singer Ha Neha Kakar shared the image of her new bungalow with her old home on social world ahmed
Neha Kakar wrote in the caption sharing these photos on Instagram, "The owner of the bungalow seen in these photos and the other house in the picture belong to where I was born".
The Indian singer wrote: 'In my old house there was only one room and the house was not our own but was rented, in which my mother shaped a table as a kitchen.current world news
"I get emotional every time I look at this old house," he wrote.
Neha Kakkar thanked her brother Tony Kikar, sister Sonu Kakar, parents and their fans in this post.
They also used the hashtag self-med in captions.current world news
Neha Kakar's famous song 'Meet You'
Neha Kakar is one of Bollywood's leading singers. His famous songs include 'Yaad Piya Ki Baa Baa Hai', 'O Saqi Saqi', 'Too Yaar Mera', 'Meet Ho Tum', and more. Included.
Neha Kakar's brother Tony Kakkar and sister Sonu Kakar are also among the best Bollywood singers....